1. 求三部英語原聲電影精彩對白
Fredricksen: Good morning, gentlemen.
Man: Good morning, mr. Fredricksen. You're ready to go?
Fredricksen: Ready as I'll ever be. Would you do me the favourand take this? I'll meet you in the van in just a minute. I... wanna say one last goodbye to the old place.
Man: Sure. Take all the time you need, sir. That's typical. He's probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time. You'd think he'd take better care of his house.
Fredricksen: So long, boys! I'll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls! We are on our way, Ellie.
Russell: Hi, mr. Fredricksen. It's me, Russell.
Russell: I found the snipeand I followed it under your porch. But this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. Please, let me in.
Fredricksen: No. Aw, all right. You can...come... in.
Russell: I've never been in a floating house before. Goggles... Look at this stuff! Are you going on a trip? "Paradise Falls, a land lost in time". Are you going to South America, mr. Fredricksen?
Fredricksen: Don't touch that! You'll soilit.
Russell: You know, most people take a plane. But you're smart, because you have your TV, clocks and stuff. Ooo, is this how you steeryour house? Does it really work? This makes it turn right and that way is left. Hey, look! Buildings! That building's so close, I can almost touch it! Wow, this is great! You should try this, mr. Fredricksen. Look, there's a bus that could take me home two blocks away! Hey, I can see your house from here!
Fredricksen: Don't jerkaround so much, kid! Well, that's not gonna work.
Russell: I know that cloud, it's a "cumulonimbus". Did you know that a cumulonimbus...
Fredricksen: Aaa, I stayed upall night blowing upballons... for what? That's nice, kid. What are you doing over there?
Russell: Look! See? Cumulonimbus.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. do sb a favor: 幫助某人。常用的句型有: Would you do me a favor please? 請你幫我個忙,好嗎?
此外,我們還常用in favor of來表示「贊成,支持,有利於」,而curry favor with則表示「巴結,拍馬屁」。
2. so long: 再見,非正式用語,相當於see you later。
例如:See you tonight. So long.(今晚見,再見了。)
3. snipe: 鷸,沙錐鳥。
此外,snipe還可以表示「冷言冷語地指摘;抨擊」,而「抨擊某人」,就可以用snipe at someone來表示。
4. goggle: 護目鏡。
此外,goggle做動詞還可以表示「(尤指由於驚恐而)瞪大眼睛看」,常用goggle at sb/sth來表達。
5. soil: 弄臟。
例如:She soiled her dress with ink. 她的衣服被墨水弄臟了。
6. steer:駕駛,掌舵。
例如:Steer the boat for that island.(把船駛向那個島。)
7. jerk: 急拉,猛推。
而jerk sb around則表示「(尤指通過不誠實的手段)給某人出難題,為某人設置障礙,為難某人」。
8. cumulonimbus:積雨雲。
9. stay up: 不睡覺,熬夜。
例如:I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.(為了完成報告我打算熬夜不睡。)
10.blow up: 使充氣,放大。
這里的blow up balloons則是指「吹氣球」。
Horton: If you were way out in space, and you looked down at where we live, we would look like a speck.
The Mayor of Who-ville: Hey, hon, did you ever get the feeling that you were being watched, and that maybe that thing watching you is... ehhh, a giant elephant
Sally O'Malley: Um, you know, I'm going to have to say, "No". Do you know that feeling
The Mayor of Who-ville: [laughs nervously] No!
薩莉 歐 麥麗:你知道,嗯,我不得不說,我沒有這種感覺。難道你有?
Horton: Just me and the speck, shootin' the breeze. We're a club. We're a group. We can be a secret society. And no one else can join, unless they wear funny hats.
Horton: There are people on this speck. They have a mayor who has 96 daughters and one son named Jojo, who all share a bathroom! Whatever that is...
Horton: Even though you can't see them at all / A person's a person, no matter how small.
Horton: I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.
Morton: [sighs] An elephant's an elephant one hundred percent.
Horton: That's my code, my motto.
Remy: I've always believed with hard work and a little bit of luck, it's only a matter of time before I'm discovered!
Django: This is the way things are. You can't change nature.
Remy: Change is nature, Dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.
[Narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisien resturant]
Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I... I like good food, ok? And... good food is... hard for a rat to find!
Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find, if you weren't so picky!
Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage dad!
Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that?
Emile: I don't really know.
Remy: You nno... and you're eating it?
Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up.
Remy: This is what I'm talking about.
Linguini: You were the one getting fancy with the spices!
Skinner: Welcome to hell!
Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook.
Colette: He calls it his "Little Chef".
Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.
Gusteau: You know what I say. Anyone can cook.
Remy: Yeah, anyone can cook. That doesn't mean anyone should.
Linguini: I know this sounds insane, but... Well, the truth sounds insane sometimes. But that doesn't mean it's not the truth.
In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment.
We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read.
But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.
But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.
Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source.
To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core.
In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook.
But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant.
Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.
It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteaus, who is, in this critics opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France.
I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.
2. 求經典英語電影原聲對白!!
1.「Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.」 Gone with the Wind, 1939.「坦白說,親愛的,我不在乎。」——《亂世佳人》(1939年)毫無疑問,即使那些沒有看過《亂世佳人》的人,也會對白瑞德給郝思嘉的這句臨別之滾手言印象深刻。 2.「I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.」The Godfather, 1972 .「我要開出一個他無法拒絕的條件。」——《教父》(1972年) 3.「You don't understand! I could a had class. I could a been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.」 On the Waterfront, 1954 . 「你不明白!我本可以進入上流社會。我本可以成為一岩歷個上進的人。我本可以當個有臉面的人物,而不是像現在這樣當個小混混。"」——《碼頭風雲》(1954年)這兩句馬龍?白蘭度的台詞出自令白蘭度榮膺奧斯卡影帝的影片《教父》與《碼頭風雲》。 4.「Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.」 The Wizard of Oz, 1939 .托托,我有一種感覺我們再也回不了家了。」——《綠野仙蹤》(1939年) 朱迪?加蘭在《綠野仙蹤》中扮演的少女多羅茜對她的小狗托托說的這句話成了後來人們對無法回到鼎盛時期的感嘆。 5.「Here's looking at you, kid.」 Casablanca, 1942. 「孩子,就看你的了。」——《卡薩布蘭卡》(1942年) 在1942年的電影《卡薩布蘭卡》中,亨弗萊?鮑嘉對英格里?褒曼說了「孩子,就看你的了。」這句著名的經典台詞。 6.「Go ahead, make my day.」 Sudden Impact, 1983 .「來吧,讓我也高興高興。」——《撥雲見日》(1983年) 7.「All right, Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up.」 Sunset Blvd., 1950 .「好了,德米勒先生,我為特寫鏡頭做好准備了。」——《日落大道》(1950年) 8.「May the Force be with you.」 Star Wars, 1977.「願原力與你同在。」——《星球大戰》(1977年) 9.「Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.」 All About Eve, 1950.「緊上安全帶,今晚將會非常顛簸。」——《彗星美人》(1950年) 10.「You talking to me?」 Taxi Driver, 1976 「你是在對我說話嗎?」——《計程車司機》(1976年) 你應該有聽說粗備搜過滬江論壇吧!那裡有很多下載資料,同時都是免費學習的,上面的就是我在滬江上找到的!
3. 同一部原聲英文電影的經典對白,中英文都要有,五到十句。
Dumbledore: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.
Ron: Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione. You!
Voldemort: There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.
Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
一、「他絕不會走,只要留下來的那些人還忠於他!」(He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!)
二、「我們希望我們的波特先生總是能夠扭轉乾坤」「放心吧,我會的!」(Mr.Potter will always be around to save the dead.——Don』t worry, I will be.)
三、 「比這更重要的是--友誼和勇氣。」(There are more important things, friendship and bravery.)
四、「多比沒有主人!多比是自由的小精靈!多比是來救哈利-波特和他的朋友們!」(Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter, and his friends!)
五、「愛我們的人是永遠不會離開我們的。」(The ones that love us never really leave us.)
六、「想要殺哈利,得先把我們也殺掉!」(If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us, too!)
1. 斯內普:你這個令人失望多愁善感的小子,只會苦澀的抱怨生活如何的不公平。你可能沒有注意到,生活本來就是不公平的。
Severus Snape: Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn't fair.
2 . 哈利:你才是懦弱的人,你不懂得愛,也不懂得友情,我可憐你。
Harry Potter: You're the weak one. And you'll never know love,or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.
3. 盧娜:再說,我媽媽以前經常說,失去的東西總會找到方法回來的。
Luna Lovegood: Anyway, my mum always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end.
4. 英文原聲電影摘錄30句有用的口語
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.
Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing
ever dies!
Get busy living, Or get busy dying.
And dying in your beds many years from now.
Would you be willing to trade?
All the days from this day to that.
for one chance,just one chance.
to come back here and tell our enemies.
that they may take our lives.
but they,ll never take our Freedom!
We all end up dead, the question is how and why." -- William Wallace
我們最終都會死,問題在於怎麼樣死和為什麼而死。 -- 威廉·華萊士
"Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it." -- Malcolm Wallace
心靈是自由的,鼓起勇氣隨心飛翔! -- 馬爾科姆·華萊士
"It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom." -- William Wallace
如果沒有自由,一切都是空想。 -- 威廉·華萊士
Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland's daughters and sons
are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free. -- William Wallace
回去告訴整個英格蘭,蘇格蘭兒女不再是他們的臣民,告訴他們蘇格蘭是自由的。 -- 威廉·華萊士
5. 英語原聲電影綠野仙蹤的五句經典台詞
There's no place like home. 沒有一個地方可以和家相提並論。
6. 一兩分鍾的簡單電影獨白(英文)
The Wizard of Oz 綠野仙蹤
桃樂絲回到家後跟她的阿姨的獨白,不過是很老很老的片子了。 所以比較。。。老舊。。。不過最後一句很經典There's no place like home!
Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you? No, Aunt Em, this was a real truly live place and I remember some of it wasn't very nice, but most of it was beautiful--but just the same all I kept saying to everybody was "I want to go home," and they sent me home! Doesn't anybody believe me? But anyway, Toto, we're home! Home. And this is my room, and you're all here and I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again. Because I love you all. And... Oh Auntie Em! There's no place like home!
The Princess Diaries 公主日記
Mia: Hi, um... hello. I'm Mia. Um, it's stopped raining! I'm really no good at speech-making. Normally I get so nervous that I faint or run away, or sometimes I even get sick. But you really didn't need to know that... But I'm not so afraid anymore. See, my father helped me. Earlier this evening had every intention of giving up my claim to the throne. And my mother 0helped me, by telling me it was ok, and by supporting me like she has for my entire life. But then I wondered how I'd feel after abdicating my role as Princess of Genovia. Would I feel relieved, or would I feel sad? And then I realized how many stupid times a day I use the word 'I.' And probably all I ever do is think about myself. And how lame is that when there's like seven billion other people out there on the planet, and... sorry, I'm going too fast. But then I thought, if I cared about the other seven billion out there, instead of just me, that's probably a much better use of my time.
See, if i were Princess of Genovia, then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard, and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions. So this morning when I woke up, I was Mia Thermopolis. But now I choose to be forevermore, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia.
Isabel: I never wanted to be a mom. Well, sharing it with you is one thing, but caring alone the rest of my life, always being compared to you. You're perfect. They worship you. I just don't want to be looking over my shoulder everyday, for twenty years, knowing that someone would have done it right, done it better, the way that I can't. You're mother-earth incarnate, you ride with Anna, you know every story, every wound, every memory Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you. Every single moment. Don't you get it? Look down the road to her wedding. I'm in a room alone with her Fitting her veil, fluffing her dress. Telling her, no woman has ever looked that beautiful. And my fear is that (pause) she'll be thinking "I wish my mom was here".
7. 英語原聲電影優美語段摘抄
Life is like a box of cholocate,you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this ! I wish I could have been there with you. Your were Jenny,I am not a smart man,but I know what is love. ---Forrest Gump. "Death is a part of life" ----阿甘母親在臨終前對兒子說的話。 "where is my jenny?"------FORREST GUMP 當阿甘喊出這句話,讓我不能控制的掉下眼淚。 至今仍然忘不了。 在這個社會,誰能象阿甘一樣去愛。
Tara! Home! I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.
3.silence hill《冷山》:
Mary ,are you still there waiting for me?
《Titanic》中Jack死亡前的對白: Jack: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on. You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow. You' re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me? Rose: I can't feel my body. Jack: Winning that ticket (for Titanic at a poker game) Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) ...you must ... do me this honor. Promise me that you'll survive, that you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me, now, Rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go. Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go, I promise. nbsp;nbsp;
當小分隊找到瑞恩時,隊長告訴了瑞恩他的哥哥們都死了。旁邊的瑞恩的戰友正好走來,有這么一段對話: "Ryan lost his borther。" "oh,which one?" "all" 聽了這個對話,眼淚都會掉下來。登時想起了中學時英語老師說的both和all的區別,all代表3者或3者以上。 i just kown that every man i killed,the farther away from home,i free.
I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" "No,"I replied,"But I served in a company of heroes." 有一天我的小孫子問我"爺爺,你是大戰中的英雄嗎?我回答:不......但我與英雄 們一同服役。"nbsp;nbsp;
WILLIAM WALLACE:"Fight,and you may die.Run,and you'll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance,just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom! Freedom--" 威廉華萊士:"是啊,如果戰斗,可能會死。如果逃跑,至少還能活。年復一年,直 到壽終正寢。你們!願不願意用這么多苟活的日子去換一個機會,就一個機會!那就是回 來,告訴敵人,他們也許能奪走我們的生命,但是,他們永遠奪不走我們的自由!" "我們的自由!!" Your heart is free,you can follow her! 從此華萊士踏上不歸路...... 在生活中有多少人可以依自己的心願而生活呢nbsp;nbsp;
Believe me,i was prepared for everything ,except you ---------Entrapment(偷天陷阱)
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
8. 有什麼好看的英文原聲電影
1、Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time
2、The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King
3、Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio
4、Nothing』s impossible. - Alice In Wonderland
5、I』m not worthless -- and I don』t have fleas. - Aladdin
6、All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan
7、Dreams can come true! - Cinderella