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陰影套是什麼電影 2025-02-25 18:41:18
完整的日本國語電影 2025-02-25 18:31:59
劉德華拍的電影讀心術 2025-02-25 18:30:43


發布時間: 2025-01-17 22:41:05

㈠ 闃跨敇鍔卞織鍚嶈█




銆銆Let me say this: bein` an idiot is no box of chocolates.


銆銆Nobody ever got into trouble by keepin` his mouth shut.

銆銆緔ч棴浣犵殑鍢, 灝變笉浼氭児紲鎬笂韜銆

銆銆People not to talk back to: 1.Your teacher; 2.1st Sergeants; 3.The police;銆4.Your mama.

銆銆鍒瀵瑰洓縐嶄漢欏跺槾錛1. 鑰佸笀;2. 涓綰у+瀹橀暱;3. 璀﹀療;4.鑰佸堛

銆銆Do not try to cut your own hair.


銆銆Dream, but don`t quit your day job.

銆銆浣犲彲浣滅櫧鏃ユⅵ, 浣嗕篃瑕佸仛鐧芥棩宸ャ

銆銆Do not suck your thumb-or anybody else`s, for that matter.

銆銆鍒鍚鎬綘鐨勫ぇ濮嗘寚-褰撶劧, 涔熷埆鍘誨惛鍒浜虹殑銆

銆銆Wen you are born under the wrong star, it will shine upon your butt銆forever-even you are seated.

銆銆瑕佹槸浣犵敓鏉ュ嚩鏄熸潵鐘, 鍗充嬌鍧愪笅鐨勬椂鍊, 涔熻兘鐪嬪埌閭i楁槦鍦ㄤ綘灞佽偂涓婁竴闂涓闂浜鏅舵櫠銆

銆銆Forget "Don`t get mad-get even." If you`re really mad, go ahead and銆stomp that sucker flat!

銆銆鍒淇°屽悰瀛愭姤浠, 鍗佸勾涓嶆櫄銆嶉偅濂, 鑻ユ槸鏈変漢鐪熺殑鎯規瘺浜嗕綘, 浜岃瘽涓嶈村氨鍘繪墦浠栦釜紼宸寸儌!

銆銆If you got to pee, do not talk about it. Just do it. Might not be time later.

銆銆鎯沖翱灝挎椂鍒鍏夎翠笉緇, 鍚﹀垯寰呬細灝辨潵涓嶅強浜嗐

銆銆Do not park in a space that says "Reserved for Sheriff`s Deputies."


銆銆Do not put stock in newspapers; you can find out more just by lookin`銆around at what is goin` on.

銆銆涓嶅繀鑺遍挶涔版姤綰, 浣犲彧瑕佸湪鍛ㄥ洿鍥涘勭湅鐪, 灝辯煡澶╀笅浜嬩簡銆

銆銆Life is like a rubber band; harder you go forward, harder you snap back.

銆銆So do not make slip-ups.

銆銆浜虹敓灝卞儚鏉℃$毊鍦;浣犲線鍓嶅啿寰楁剤鍕, 鍙嶅脊鏃剁殑鍔涢亾涔熷氨鎰堝ぇ, 鎵浠ヨ, 灝忓績鍒寮瑰嚭鍘諱簡!

銆銆When you feel there is an unfair burden on your shoulders, that`s just the

銆銆way it is sometimes.

銆銆姣忓綋浣犺夊緱瑕佷綘璐熻矗鏄涓嶅叕騫崇殑, 浣犳渶濂借繕鏄璁や簡鍚!

銆銆Always try to do the right thing, unless your conscience tells you otherwise.

銆銆鍔″繀鍋氳ュ仛鐨勪簨, 闄ら潪浣犵殑鑹蹇冨彨浣犲埆鍋氥

銆銆To save energy, do not go out lookin` for trouble; chances are, it will銆find you soon enough.

銆銆鐪佺渷鍔涙皵, 涓嶅繀鍑哄幓鎵鵑夯鐑, 鍥犱負閫氬父楹葷儲寰堝揩浼氳嚜宸辨壘涓婁滑鏉ャ

銆銆A beggar is no different than you or me, `cept he ain`t got no

銆銆money.Always keep some spare change to give a beggar.

銆銆涔炰笎鍜屼綘鎴戦兘娌℃湁浠涔堜袱鏍, 涓嶅悓鐨勫彧鏄浠栨病鏈夐挶, 璁板緱鐣欎簺闆墮挶鍦ㄨ韓涓, 濂芥柦鑸嶇粰涔炰笎銆

銆銆Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in prblic places or otherwise call

銆銆attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble.

銆銆鍦ㄥ叕鍏卞満鎵涓嶈侀獋涓夊瓧緇忋佸ぇ澹板枾鍝椼侀殢鍦頒究婧烘垨鍛曞悙, 鍚﹀垯浣犲氨瑕佸皬蹇, 浣犲緢鍙鑳藉洜浼氭児涓婇夯鐑︺

銆銆Two rules: do not neverr paint houses orr move furniture.


銆銆Whenever you can, take the train-providin` you ain`t got to be nowhere

銆銆on time.


銆銆Always say "thank you," even if you don`t mean it.

銆銆鍗充嬌涓嶆槸鐪熷績鐨, 涔熻侀殢鏃惰村0銆岃阿璋!銆

銆銆Do not make excuses unless you have to.

銆銆闄ら潪閫間笉寰楀凡, 涓嶈佷貢鎵劇睄鍙c

銆銆You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar, but you銆can also catch more flies with garbage than either of them other two-銆assumin` you are into catchin` flies.

銆銆鐢ㄨ渹銍滄瘮鐢ㄩ唻鏇村ソ鎹夎媿銛, 浣嗗叾瀹炵敤鍨冨溇姣旇繖涓ゆ牱閮芥湁鏁-濡傚洶浣犵湡鐨'瀵規崏鑻嶈潎鏈夊叴瓚g殑璇濄

銆銆Do not play the piano with jelly on your fingers. Also, do not play the銆saxophone with jelly in your mouth.

銆銆鎵嬫寚涓婃湁鏋滃喕涓嶈佸幓寮歸挗鐞, 鍢村反閲屾湁鏋滀笉瑕佸惞钀ㄥ厠鏂椋庛

銆銆Always be nice to your mama.


銆銆Most People don`t look mb till they start talkin`.

銆銆澶у氭暟鐨勪漢鐪嬭搗鏉ヤ笉絎, 浣嗕竴寮鍙e氨媧╁簳浜嗐

銆銆Remember this: peace of mind over piece of ass.


銆銆Be very supicious if somebody says they want to make a movie of your銆life story.

銆銆濡傛灉鏈変漢璺熶綘璇, 瑕佹妸浣犵殑涓鐢熸媿鎴愮數褰, 浣犱竴瀹氳佹鐤, 榪欐槸鐪熺殑鍚?

銆銆Do not eat anything you do not know what it is.


銆銆You got to cry, do it by yourself, and be quick about it.

銆銆浣犱竴瀹氬緱鍝鐨勬椂鍊欏氨鑷宸辨潵, 鑰屼笖鍔ㄤ綔瑕佸揩!

銆銆Be prepared to take some shit in life; just do not take more than a銆mouthful at a time.

銆銆闅忔椂瑕佹湁鍚冭嫤鐨勫績鐞嗗噯澶, 浣嗗埆涓嬈″悆澶澶氥

銆銆Beware of people that put numbers after their names.



㈡ 阿甘正傳台詞(阿甘正傳台詞經典語錄英語)

1. "Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."(生活就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)
2. "Stupid is as stupid does."(傻人做傻事。)
3. "Run, Forrest, run!"(跑啊,阿甘,跑!)
4. "Mama always said, 'Dying was a part of life.' I sure wish it wasn't."(媽媽總說,'死亡是生命的一部分。'我真希望它不是。)
5. "I'm not smart, but I know what love is. And it's not what she thinks it is."(我不聰明,但我知道什麼是愛。而且它不是她認為的那樣。)
6. "My mama always said, 'There's only so much fortune a man really needs, and the rest is just for showing off.'"(我媽媽總說,「一個人真正需要的財富就那麼一點點,其餘的都是用來炫耀的。」)
7. "You've got to put the past behind you before you can move on."(你得放下過去,才能繼續前進。)
8. "Miracles happen every day."(奇跡每天都在發生。)
9. "If God intended us to be equal, He would have given us all the same sized feet."(如果上帝想讓我們平等,他就應該給所有人都配上一樣大小的腳。)
10. "I may be a slow learner, but I sure learned a lot from you."(我可能學得慢,但從你那兒我學到了很多。)